[photos image1="aleigha-1.jpg" image2="aleigha-2.jpg"] [bio quote= "Do what feels good. go at your own pace, it doesn't matter if you lose the race. As long as you stay genuine and true." p1="Aleigha Storm, a freelance curve model, entrepreneur and creative, born and raised in Upland, California. A talented, beautiful woman of color who takes pride in producing various creative projects from editing and directing her own sets, down to styling , hair & make-up for herself and others. Add to that a full time propagating plant mother who finds solitude and enjoyment in nature. Who finds that that pouring her heart out into words of poetry for a better understanding of her perception, is a great form of expression. All while building her brand and creating content for her growing youtube channel. Here, she shares her everyday essence and lifestyle changes that have transformed her world completely! Everything from her pescatarian diet to her passion for yoga and the desire to get moving even if its a walk in a neighborhood." p2="I take pride in always showing up and being as authentically me as I can be. I push that same energy onto every platform I take on. I feel I have been given an opportunity to uplift, encourage and be heard. Which is why I am so open on all platforms with my life struggles and the experiences they bring."]


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[collection name="sample" handle="aleighawstorm"]

You can find Aleigha on:
Instagram at @aleighawstorm
Youtube here