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[photos image1="glamazon-3.jpg" image2="glamazon-4.jpg"] [bio quote="Life is about choices, so choose to be you." p1="The Simple Glamazon is a lifestyle, beauty, and travel blog dedicated to the every day woman. The secret to being a glamazon is to dress to fit your figure and be the person you want to be no matter what anyone thinks. Women come in many different shapes and sizes, so I created The Simple Glamazon as an outlet for me and a place for women to find inspiration to live their best life." p2=" Staying active has been a huge part of my lifestyle for many years and will always be incorporated into my life no matter what the scale reads. As a child, I played softball and was a cheerleader in high school. As an adult I've continued to stay active by going to the gym, hiking, taking spin classes, practicing yoga, and circuit training. My personal fitness journey has taught me many lessons over time and the best lesson of all has been to love me!" p3=" You can find Courtney on instagram @thesimpleglamazon"]

[QA question="How did you start on your journey?" answer="Living. In recent years I've seen the health of people close to me change. Seeing your loved ones have serious and sometimes preventable health issues was all the motivated I need.

'I'm here for a good time not a long time.' -Drake"][collection name="sample" handle="thesimpleglamazon"] 

Read more from The Simple Glamazon at her blog